Thursday, May 10, 2007
All new, all the time!
Wonderful weekend in Chicago with Katie Mac and everyone else! The picture is of Katie's husband Freddie's notes for the podcast. They let me join them and it was so much fun. I seriously didn't want to stop. When Freddie said it was a wrap I was disappointed. I'm someone who prefers to be a listener, but get me in front of a mike and I can yatter about nothing for long periods of time. Freddie also gave me the iLife disk so I could reinstall GarageBand. What could be a better way to get the girls of Mauritania interested in technology than having them do a podcast? I can't wait to get started and God do I love Mac.
First henna tattoo over the weekend, too. You can see it on the Katie Mac show site (link to the left). It's already wearing off because I've been cleaning for my job. Note: Clorox takes ANYTHING off.
And (drumroll please) I uploaded my first video to YouTube! Search on Haiti, music, and rehearsal. I've been wanting to do this for some time and I love this clip. It's from my trip to Haiti in November. Hey, it's that or my sister's birthday. :)