Thursday, June 26, 2008
Riviera Sarah

On the beach (near l'opera) in Nice. It was fun and, wow, I guess it does look like I have a burn. That's what I get for wearing a mulafa all the time! You know that in France it's ok to go topless. For anyone, old, young, fat, skinny, black, white, lobster red. MEB had the t-shirt quote of the day: "I love how with the topless bathers, you can't always tell who's a man and who's a woman." Yep, vive la France!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Nice is, well, nice!

Here is MEB, tres fatiguee, on a hillside staircase in Nice. The shot is looking southwest into the city. It's incredible here, just the beauty and resort feel of everything. We walked around, shopped some, saw Indiana Jones-in French-poor M, and had Indian food for dinner. Yummy! Today, it's off to Eze village and Monaco for the day. Wheee!
And remember, "votez Eisenhower."
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Yum, lunch!
This is the main ingredient in the popular roadside treat, mishwi. Mauritanians actually look forward to eating grilled meat of such a low grade that I wouldn't feed it to my worst enemy's ill-tempered rottweiller much less even consider ingesting it. This particular specimen (used to be a bilious goat), was hanging up for display at the Kiffa garage, where I, instead ate some cookies and drank hot Fanta. So the next time you complain about the choices at a rest-stop along the highway, just remember half a former goat, hanging outiside, prey to flies, other goats, and small children. If you still find yourself saying, "but Quiznos is so much better than Subway!" you probably need to remove yourself from the gene pool.